Watch, enjoy and learn!!!
Then Show them how much alive you are!!
"...Show them how much alive YOU are!"
Loaders: creativity, hope, how to aspire
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 6 Re.Loads
Loaders: feelings, poetry, power of love
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 3 Re.Loads
Loaders: lattee factor, millionaire, rich
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 4 Re.Loads
I know many guys who are eager to become wealthy. That is plain right, and everyone has the freedom to dream about it, and work for it, the way he/she wants. BUT, I don't believe at all, that there is a secret where anyone can be crazily wealthy, in no time, with no efforts and legally. Of course, if it happened that you inherited some wealth, this is totally a different story, but what I meant is working and wanting to be wealthy, by your own hard efforts.
Well, you will come and say: "OK, what about winning a lottery? or gaining profits for the steep increase in the shares prices?". Actually, studies have shown, as I had read that once in a book called Success Principles for Jack Canfield, that more than 80% of those people who are getting absolutely rich quickly, loose their entire wealth and become bankrupt in less than 5 years. Why? of course, it wasn't planned well for, their subconscious mind has not been prepared for it and most importantly, it happened with no efforts!
Easy come, easy go. That is how I think about money! We need to work hard, to enjoy being paid what we deserve. We need to plan our income, so we can maintain our savings, and we need to accept the fact that wealth should come, only if we are serious about getting the hard-smart way.
I have been bombarded a lot with those silly ads, e-mails and word of mouth, to invest in such and such, do this and that, and you will be able, in less than 2 years, to buy a Ferrari every weekend. I have come across many websites and read a couple of books that teach you how to become so frickin rich, and trust me, nothing has worked out, and I have never heard about anyone really did it. It is purely misleading and deceiving people for their hopes.
I understand why you and many others out there are so much interested in having the extra money or a mean of income. But, why we don't do that scientifically and realistically? Well, the good news, I finally reached a way to make our BIG dream come true. Now, it might not be the PERFECT SOLUTION, but it is A way to reach there and become a millionaire.
Hasty to know it ha? Well, this is the first lesson: "Patience".
My next post shall be tackling this..
Till then, show them how much patient and alive you are!
Loaders: millionaire, money, rich
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 8 Re.Loads
Honestly, how many of us have replied in that way when we have been offered a voluntary task? Where we had to think and think, and sometimes just for sake of finding excuses to not do that job? I was one those people, frankly speaking, couple of times. Why? For a simple fact: I was under the impression that I won't pressurize myself, I have a busy schedule and I can’t substitute the important tasks in my life with non-financial rewarding activities. Later I discovered how guilty I was!!
Let us firstly see how “Volunteer” is defined in the dictionary:
“To perform or offer a service of one's own free will”
This can takes many forms and many unfortunately think that whenever there is something wrong, we have to step in, and volunteer and make that wrong thing, right! But it is just more than that. I think we have a debt as matured people to pay back to our societies, and I would say that volunteering shouldn't be just an option. But why we should volunteer?
The interesting thing about paying out your debts is that it ain't like paying your loan–off to the banks, as me being a banker, I do understand the frustration. But a voluntary task pay back has many benefits:
Show them how much alive you are...
Loaders: InJAz, JA, Volunteer, youth
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 6 Re.Loads
Loaders: law of attraction, secret
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 5 Re.Loads
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 3 Re.Loads
I have been assigned an assignment, as part of my Toastmasters club , to simply put smiles on the members and the guests faces. (click here for more information about Toastmasters)
Normally, we as Toastmasters, get the assignment before a week or so, so we can have plenty of time for planning it (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!). However, it is quite expected that people sometimes, due to many situations, cancel their assignments. Thus, other active members need to be ready to take their roles, accordingly. This is exactly, happened to me last Saturday, when one member, supposedly doing the "Joke Master" assignment, passed it to me for taking it over. I have been called at 5:00 PM to be ready for the 7:30 PM meeting!. Well, it is not only you have to let people laugh, but you have to be very picky in what sort of materials you are going to provide them. SEX, POLITICS & RELIGION (SPR'S) jokes are not allowed in Toastmasters, and unfortunately, 99% of my jokes are some where revolving around these things.
So, after some struggles, I have managed to pick up few "clean" jokes and present it to the club.
I have always thought that making people laugh is the easiest job. But, I guess I was not right. I found that it takes a lot of efforts, thinking, perfect body language and good-timing, to let others genuinely smile, not even reaching the laughing stage! It is really an art, that many people think that can be made in a blink of an eye.
My experience, proved to me that you need to control your voice patters, your facial expressions, body movements, and when to stress some words and when to not. The content is of course important, but I think all the other things are a must-to-have, so a joke turns out to be a funny one. That's why we find many times that if someone tells a joke, we laugh hilariously, while if another person tells the exact joke, we might even not notice when he is done!.
The "Charisma" is the secret...
So, show them how much alive you are!
Loaders: charisma, humor, joke
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 6 Re.Loads
Well, all the above are well said, I can't question any of them. But, do we really need to live just for :
Do we really need that? I think, we have much a bigger role to play in this world. And God, didn't send all the creatures for a sake of "existence" only. We are meant for a bigger thing, and yet too many miss to figure out that, and those who managed to figure it out, even partially, they did that very late!!! I am a big believer of showing all sort of livelihood when our hearts can beat, our minds can function and our soul scan be reloaded. Being alive, feeling alive, living alive and ultimately showing alive, can make wonders in our daily lives. But, HOW?
Well, this is something easily said that done, I can't with my little fingers and a keyboard, siting in a very comfortable chair, give the magic recipe for it. It is never work like a press button, and I will never assume or even think that I can know all the secrets.
However, I will blog from time to time, about how can we express it, give it, take it, share it and most importantly have a faith in it, that it is the reason why we are here on this earth. I know people do breath, eat, have sex, talk, walk...etc. But, these are a very tiny part of the whole picture. These physiological activities are a must to have for a majority of people. Being alive encompass much more of that...
Till the next one, see you and show them how much alive you are!
Loaders: alive
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 3 Re.Loads
Hi there!
Honestly, I don't want to blog for just a sake of adapting with the ongoing "wave". I have made this decision, and it was not an easy one, after a lot of thoughts and serious analysis, I have made up my mind. Some of you might say I am over-analysing it, and it is really like the Just-Do-It thing. I have a different opinion, anyway. Since blogging is still in its very early period, and there many advancements are expected to come, not only technologically, but also purposely, I call this a "Re." stage of the web.
In every "Re." level, being anywhere or with anyone, this has to be a starting point. In any start, there are two main challenges:
- To start really.
- And to maintain the phase afterwards.
Till then, let us show them how much alive we are!
Loaded By: Re.Loaded Soul 2 Re.Loads